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Books found: 32913


1 .   The Illustrated London News.-Vol 32.-Jan to June 1858.-Supplement, June 5 , 1858.-SUMARIO: Sketches in Parliament.-Out-Door Amusements.-Fancy Bazaar at Wellington Barracks.-Sketches in China.-The Mutiny in India.-Fine Arts.-Litterature.-Chess.-Epitome of News.-Foreign and Domestic.

Price: 30 €


Description: 280 x 410 mm. 8pp. Profusamente ilustrado con grabados xilográficos intercalados en el texto y láminas.-Portada: "Launch of the portuguese screw -corveite "Sagre" at Limehouse.-The Atlantic telegraph cable.-Fancy Bazaar at the Wellington Barracks, in aid of the funds of the Central Association for Improving the condition of the wives and families of soldiers and sailors.-Queen Elizabeth Cradle.-Statue of the right hon, Edward Burke, by W. Theed, in the New Palace of Westminster.-British and Chinese Policemen, Canton.-Bengali Sepoy Sentries, Government landing-place Canton.-Coolies Mustering, South Wall Canton.New Entrance to Hyde Park. London, William Little, 1858. Ofrecemos los cuadernos sueltos.

Publisher: William Little,
Reference: 56393
2 .   The Illustrated London News.-Vol 32.-Jan to June 1858.-Supplement, March 6 , 1858.-SUMARIO: Goorkahs of the 66 th. Regiment, in their National Costume.-Camp Bazaar, Meerunzaie, Wstern Afganistan.-Imperial Parliament.-Sketches in Parliament.-Boston, Selaford and Midland Counties Railway.-The Mutiny in India.-Literary celebrities of New York.-Fine Arts.-Litterature.-Chess.-Epitome of News.-Foreign and Domestic.

Price: 30 €


Description: 280 x 410 mm. 12pp. Profusamente ilustrado con grabados xilográficos intercalados en el texto y láminas.-Portada: The Mutiny in India.-Goorkahs of the 66th Regiment in their National Costume.-Camp Bazaar, Meerunzaie, Western Afganistan.-The Royal Bridal Tour.-American Celebrities.-The First King of Slam. London, William Little, 1858. Ofrecemos los cuadernos sueltos.

Publisher: William Little,
Reference: 56385
3 .   The Illustrated London News.-Vol 32.-Jan to June 1858.-Supplement, May 1 , 1858.-SUMARIO: The Two Thousand Stakes at Newmarket.-The one thousand Stakes.-Sketches in Parliament.-Curiosities of the Exchequer.-China.-The Mutiny in India.-Society of Painters in Water Colours.-Fashions for May.-The London Homeopathic Hospital.-Fine Arts.-Litterature.-Chess.-Epitome of News.-Foreign and Domestic.

Price: 30 €


Description: 280 x 410 mm. 8pp. Profusamente ilustrado con grabados xilográficos intercalados en el texto y láminas.-Portada: Fitzroland, winner of the two thousand Stakes.-"Governess" winner of the thousand stakes.-Elephant camp, Raneegunge.-Elephant-Washing.-The great australian Goatsuckers (Podagus Cuvierd), at the Zoological Society's Gardens, Regent's Park.-The London Homeopathic Hospital, Great Ormond-Street.-Statue of Handel to be erected at Halle in 1858. London, William Little, 1858. Ofrecemos los cuadernos sueltos.

Publisher: William Little,
Reference: 56397
4 .   The Illustrated London News.-Vol 32.-Jan to June 1858.-Supplement, May 15 , 1858.-SUMARIO: Bridge of Allan Mineral Springs.-Princ of Wales Yacht Club.-The Revolt of Oude.-Obituary of Eminent Persons.-Sketches in China.-Hong-Kong Races, 1858.-The Exhibition of The Royal Academy.-Jewels presented to the Countess de Persigny.-Litterature.-Fine Arts.-Litterature.-Chess.-Epitome of News.-Foreign and Domestic.

Price: 30 €


Description: 280 x 410 mm. 8pp. Profusamente ilustrado con grabados xilográficos intercalados en el texto y láminas.-Portada: The Bridge of Allan, N.B.-The Prince of Wales Yacht Club Match.-The One-Shilling Stand.-The Boad.-Start of the "Celestials".-The race-course Happy Valley.-Bracelet presented to the countess de Persigny.-All Saints Church, Walsoken, Norfolk.-Locket presented to the countess de Persigny. London, William Little, 1858. Ofrecemos los cuadernos sueltos.

Publisher: William Little,
Reference: 56391
5 .   The Illustrated London News.-Vol 32.-Jan to June 1858.-Supplement, May 29 , 1858.-SUMARIO: Royal Thames Yacht Club.-Beadsman, The Winner of the Derby Stakes.- Obituary of Eminent Persons.-Sketches in Parliament.-Ice Making Machine.-The Lord Dudley Coutts Stuart Nightlt refuge for the Houseless Poor.-Fine Arts.-Litterature.-Chess.-Epitome of News.-Foreign and Domestic.

Price: 30 €


Description: 280 x 410 mm. 8pp. Profusamente ilustrado con grabados xilográficos intercalados en el texto y láminas.-Portada: "Beadsman, winner of the Derby.-Royal Thames Yacht Club Match.-The Royal Duchness late Duchess of Orleans.-A Medeah Family, Algiers.-Mosaic Pavement, discovered at Cartuage.-Ice-Making Machine.-Alarm-Buoy. London, William Little, 1858. Ofrecemos los cuadernos sueltos.

Publisher: William Little,
Reference: 56392
6 .   The Illustrated London News.-Vol 32.-Jan to June 1858.-Supplement, May 8 , 1858.-SUMARIO: Painting from Nature out of Doors.-The Literary Fund.-Sketches in Parliament.-Transatlantic Sketches. South Carolina.-New Society of Painters in Water Colours.-Litterature.-Fine Arts.-Litterature.-Chess.-Epitome of News.-Foreign and Domestic.

Price: 30 €


Description: 280 x 410 mm. 8pp. Profusamente ilustrado con grabados xilográficos intercalados en el texto y láminas.-Portada: Painting from Nature out of Doors.-Temptation.-Smilling Morn.-Lámina: The Bribe.-Lámina: The Sunbeams. London, William Little, 1858. Ofrecemos los cuadernos sueltos.

Publisher: William Little,
Reference: 56390
7 .   The Illustrated London News.-Vol 32.-Suplement, May 22 1858.-Nº 919.-SUMARIO: Exhibition of The Royal Academy.-Chess.-The Coloured Engraving.-Exhibition of The Society of Painters in Water Colours.-Obituary of Eminent Persons.-Calendar of the week.-The Court.-Notes of the Week.-The Theatres.-National Sports.-The Markets.-The London Gazette.-New Book.-New Music.

Price: 30 €


Description: 280 x 410 mm. 16pp. Profusamente ilustrado con grabados xilográficos intercalados en el texto y láminas.-Isola de San Giulio Lago D'Orta.-Eastward ho August 1857. London, William Little, 1858. Ofrecemos los cuadernos sueltos.

Publisher: William Little,
Reference: 56593
8 .   The Kama Sutra of Vatsyayana. Translated from the Sanscrit.In seven parts,with preface ,introduction, and concluding remarks.
BURTON, Sir Richard Francis (Torkuay,1821- Trieste,1890) [Translator].-

Price: 500 €


Description: 4º 181pp. Cosmopili, Kama Shastra Society of London and Benares, 1883. Encuadernación en pleno pergamino editorial. Edited by The Kama Shastra Society of London and Benares,and for private circulation only.

The Kama Sutra of Vatsyayana. Translated from the Sanscrit.In seven parts,with preface ,introduction, and concluding remarks.
Publisher: Kama Shastra Society of London and Benares,
Reference: 24437
9 .   The Keepsake for 1828. The Keepsake for 1829.

Price: 200 €


Description: 2 obras. 4º. 34 ff. de las cuales 19 grabadas al acero - 34ff de las cuales 17 grabadas al acero. London, Hurst, 1827 - 1828. En un volumen media piel con dorados. Cortes dorados. Solo contiene grabados.

Publisher: Hurst,
Reference: 47827
10 .   The key and guide to astrology containing a complete system of genethliacal astrology. In one volume.

Price: 25 €


Description: 8º. 132pp. London, W. Floulsham & Co, Limited, (1905).

Publisher: W. Floulsham & Co, Limited,
Reference: 44998
11 .   The Koran; Commonly called,The Alcoran of Mohamed: translated from the Original Arabic;with explanatory notes, taken from the most aproved commentators; to wich is prefixed, a Preliminary Discourse. By George Sale, Gen.

Price: 450 €


Description: 4º XII-517pp. London, Charles Daly, 1836. Media piel. Restauración en margen interno de muy pocas hojas de índice con pérdida de apenas algunas letras. A new edition.

The Koran; Commonly called,The Alcoran of Mohamed: translated from the Original Arabic;with explanatory notes, taken from the most aproved commentators; to wich is prefixed, a Preliminary Discourse. By George Sale, Gen.
Publisher: Charles Daly,
Reference: 24554
12 .   The Ladies' Wreath.

Price: 225 €


Description: 4º. 224-210 pp. Con muy bellas láminas grabadas al acero (algunas iluminadas) sobre indumentaria y grabados en el texto. New York, John F.Scovill, (Ap.1850). Encuadernnado en media piel con puntas, nervios y ruedas. Cortes pintados. Superlibris Minerva A. Harrison (1859). Preciosa obra sobre la indumentaria femenina en la época de Napoleón III,en perfecto estado de conservación.

The Ladies'  Wreath.
Publisher: John F.Scovill,
Reference: 24680
13 .   The Library of Secrets.Nº 11. Containing Choice and Original Wrinkles.

Price: 150 €


Description: 8º. 172pp. London. S.Y.Collins, 1849. Cartoné editorial. Curiosísma publicación, que trata de cosméticos, cocina, enología, bebidas caseras, pedagogía, mascotas, remedios caseros,servicio doméstico,etc. Página 63: The Secrets of the Daguerreotype; or, the art of taking exact likenesses with little trouble and at a trifling expense.

The Library of Secrets.Nº 11. Containing Choice and Original Wrinkles.
Publisher: S.Y.Collins,
Reference: 17624
14 .   The life and exploits of the Ingenieux Gentleman Don Quixote de La Mancha. Translated from the original spanish of... by Charles Jarvis, Esq. Now carefully revised and corrected to wich is prefixed a life of the Author.

Price: 1.750 €


Description: 2 volúmenes. 4º. XXIV-572pp. Con 8 láminas y 1 mapa plegado. VIII-623pp. Con 10 láminas London, Printed by W.Lewis, Paternoster Row, 1809. Encuadernados en media piel. Edición rara. Palau, 52511: Buena edición. Ejemplar con obscurecimiento en algunas zonas. Sombra de humedad en parte interior blanca de portada y frontispicio.

The life and exploits of the Ingenieux Gentleman Don Quixote de La Mancha. Translated from the original spanish of... by Charles Jarvis, Esq. Now carefully revised and corrected to wich is prefixed a life of the Author.
Publisher: Printed by W.Lewis, Paternoster Row,
Reference: 16007
15 .   The life and travels of Mungo Park. With a supplementary chaqpter detailing the results of recent discovery in Africa.

Price: 85 €


Description: 4º. 336pp. Con láminas xilográficas. Edinbourgh, William P.Nimmo, 1870. Tela moderna.

The life and travels of Mungo Park. With a supplementary chaqpter detailing the results of recent discovery in Africa.
Publisher: William P.Nimmo,
Reference: 28583
16 .   The life of Benjamin Franklin.B.Franklin's autobiography,with an appendix.Authorized edition.

Price: 100 €


Description: 2 volúmenes. 8º. X-239-XII-243pp.Con 1 facsímil plegado. Dessau, Katz Brothers, 1854. En un tomo en tela.

Publisher: Katz Brothers,
Reference: 20710
17 .   The life of General Gordon. by the authors of "Our Queen","New World Heroes",etc.
GORDON,Charles George.-

Price: 125 €


Description: 4º. VIII-369pp. Retrato fotográfico. London, Walter Scott, 1885. Tela editorial. Muy raro.

Publisher: Walter Scott,
Reference: 25333
18 .   The life ot The Most Noble Arthur Marquis and earl of Wellington, Lieutenenat - General,Marshal of the Portuguese and Capitain - General of the Spanish Armies... With Copious details and delineations, Historical, Political and Military, of the varius Important Services in which he has been engaget in Flanders, India, Ireland, Denmark, Spain and Portugal. Also Numerous interesting Professional Anecdotes.
CLARKE, Francis L.-

Price: 375 €


Description: 4º. 568-VIpp. 1 mapa plegado de España y 1 de Portugal. Retrato. Frontispicio (The storming of Badajos). 8 láminas grabadas al acero (Stoming of Seringapatam, Sir Arthur Wellesley discovering the body of Fippoo Saib, The Battle of Assye in the East Indies, Battle of Vimiera, The Battle of Talavera, The Storming of Ciudad Rodrigo, The Battle of Salamanca, Marquis of Wellington's entry into Madrid). London, Printes by and For J. And J.Cundee, (Ap.1815). Media piel con puntas, nervios y dorados. Palau,55.300.

Publisher: Printes by and For J. And J.Cundee,
Reference: 16177
19 .   The Liqueur Componder's Handbook of recipes for the manufacture of liqueurs,alcoholic cordials,and compounded spirits.

Price: 100 €


Description: 4º. 57pp. 4 láminass.11p. London, W.J.Bush & Co. 1921. Tela editorial.

Publisher: W.J.Bush & Co.
Reference: 25386
20 .   The Loanda Gas Company, Limited. Capital £ 40.000 first mortcage debentures, divided into 2.000 debentures of £ 20 each.London, First day of May 1895.

Price: 250 €


Description: 500 x 315 mm. Acción impresa en negro. London, s.i. 1895. Conserva la mayoria de los cupones.

The Loanda Gas Company, Limited. Capital £ 40.000 first mortcage debentures, divided into 2.000 debentures of £ 20 each.London, First day of May 1895.
Publisher: s.i.
Reference: 50543
21 .   The mapping of America With and index compiled by...
TOOLEY ,R. V. & Douglas MATTHEWS. -

Price: 60 €


Description: 4º mayor. XII-51pp. Ilustrado con 179 láminas. England, The Moxon Press Ltd, 1985. Tela editorial. Segunda edición.

Publisher: The Moxon Press Ltd,
Reference: 49651
22 .   The Match and Tobacco Timber Supphy company.Sociedade Anónima, responsabilidade limitada. Capital emitido: £ 750.000 en 750.000 acciones. Lisboa, 22 de Dezembro de 1926..

Price: 60 €


Description: 365 x 490 mm (incluyendo cupones). 1h. impresa por una sola cara en negro, gris y marrón claro. Paris, Imprimerie Chaix, 1926. Firmas de los administradores. Curiosa.

The Match and Tobacco Timber Supphy company.Sociedade Anónima, responsabilidade limitada. Capital emitido: £ 750.000 en 750.000 acciones. Lisboa, 22 de Dezembro de 1926..
Publisher: Imprimerie Chaix,
Reference: 27168
23 .   The Metropolitan Museum of Art : Guide to the Loan Exhibition of the J. Pierpont Morgan Collection

Price: 50 €


Description: 4º. XVIII-159pp. Ilustrado con láminas. New York, The Metropolitan Museum, 1914. Tela editorial.

Publisher: The Metropolitan Museum,
Reference: 43645
24 .   The minor.Comedy.JUNTO CON:William WHITEHEAD.-School for lovers.Comedy.JUNTO CON:Hon.SirR.HOWARD.-The commitee.Comedy.JUNTO CON:N.ROWE.-Lady Jane Gray.Comedy.

Price: 240 €


Description: 4 obras. 8º. 73pp.1 lámina-87pp.2 láminas-120pp.1 lámina-88pp. London, John Bell, 1791-1793. En un volumen pasta española. Adapted for theatrical representation,as performed ad the Theatres-Royal,Drury-Lane and Covent-Garden.

Publisher: John Bell,
Reference: 20532
25 .   The Moving Image: a Guide to Cinematic Literacy

Price: 20 €


Description: 4º 444pp. Ilustrado. London, Cassell & Company Ltd, 1968. Tela editorial.

The Moving Image: a Guide to Cinematic Literacy
Publisher: Cassell & Company Ltd,
Reference: 56002



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