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Llivres trouvés: 32913


1 .   The seasons.
THOMSON, James (1700-1748)

Prix: 30 €


Description: 8º. 4ff. 170pp. London, Thomas Tegg, 1825. Encuadernado en plena piel pero con ambos planosdesprendidos.

The seasons.
Editeur: Thomas Tegg,
Référence: 54834
2 .   The seats of the Mighty. Being the memoirs of capitain Robert Moray, sometime an officer in the Virginia Regiment, and afterwards of Amherest's Regiment.
PARKER ,Gilbert.-

Prix: 70 €


Description: 4º. XI-376-40pp.Con 11 láminas. London, Metheuen & Co, 1896. Tela editorial. 4ª edición.

The seats of the Mighty. Being the memoirs of capitain Robert Moray, sometime an officer in the Virginia Regiment, and afterwards of Amherest's Regiment.
Editeur: Metheuen & Co,
Référence: 30234
3 .   The Siege of Barcelona. A poem in three cantos.
HIPPISLEY , Gustavus Butler.

Prix: 300 €


Description: 8º. VII-173-18pp. London, W.J.Cleaver, 1842. Tela editorial. Rarísimo. Desconocido a Palau.

The Siege of Barcelona. A poem in three cantos.
Editeur: W.J.Cleaver,
Référence: 23293
4 .   The song celestial or Bhagavad-gità (fFom the Mahâbhârata) Being a discourse Between Arjuna, Prince of Indis, and the Supreme Being under the form of Krishna. Translated from the sanskrit text by ... New edition.

Prix: 250 €


Description: 12º. 111pp. London, Paul Kegan, Trench, Truner & Co., Ltd. 1899. Tela editorial.

The song celestial or Bhagavad-gità (fFom the Mahâbhârata) Being a discourse Between Arjuna, Prince of Indis, and the Supreme Being under the form of Krishna. Translated from the sanskrit text by ... New edition.
Editeur: Paul Kegan, Trench, Truner & Co., Ltd.
Référence: 54033
5 .   The South-Sea Bubble. A tale of the Year 1720.
AINSWORTH ,William Harrison (Manchester,1805 - Reigate,1882).-

Prix: 250 €


Description: 2 volúmenes en 1 tomo. 8º. 300-287pp. Leipzig, Bernhard Tauchnitz, 1868. Media tela. Muy ligeros puntos de óxuido en muy pocas hojas.

Editeur: Bernhard Tauchnitz,
Référence: 10290
6 .   The Soviet Constitution. Edited by Andrew Rothstein.

Prix: 50 €


Description: 8º. 142pp. London, The Information Department of the Russian Trade Delegation, 1923. 1ª edición inglesa.

Editeur: The Information Department of the Russian Trade Delegation,
Référence: 36351
7 .   The Spanish Jade.
HEWLETT ,Maurice.-

Prix: 50 €


Description: 4º. VIII-320pp. Frontispicio en color de William Hyde. London, Cassell and Company, 1909. Cartoné.

The Spanish Jade.
Editeur: Cassell and Company,
Référence: 23258
8 .   The Story of the Expansion of Southern Africa.

Prix: 40 €


Description: 4º. XXVII-290pp.Con un mapa plegado. London, T.Fisher Unwin, 1894. Tela editorial.

The Story of the Expansion of Southern Africa.
Editeur: T.Fisher Unwin,
Référence: 39049
9 .   The story of Uganda and the Victoria Nyanza Mission.
STOCK,Sarah Geraldina.-

Prix: 90 €


Description: 4º. 223pp. Con mapas y láminas. London, Religious Tract Society, 1892. Tela editorial.

Editeur: Religious Tract Society,
Référence: 36406
10 .   The Studio. Modern Pen Drawings European and American.Edited by Charles Holme.Special winter number of "The Studdio". A.D.1900-1901.

Prix: 85 €


Description: Folio. 216pp. Con láminas.Muy ilustrado. London, The Studio, 1901. Muy importante trabajo sobre el grabado moderno.

Editeur: The Studio,
Référence: 36437
11 .   The theatre of Rafael Alberti.
POPKIN ,Louise B.-

Prix: 35 €


Description: 4º. XIII-188pp. London, 1975. Cartoné editorial.

Référence: 31737
12 .   The tourist in Spain: Andalusia. Illustrated from drawins by David Roberts. Con una portada y 20 láminas grabadas al acero y grabados en el texto.

Prix: 650 €


Description: 4º. XII-280pp. 2hh. London, Robert Jennings Cº., 1836. Plena piel editorial gofrada,con dorados en el lomo. (Córdoba, Sevilla, Carmona, Alcalá de Guadaira, Malaga).

The tourist in Spain: Andalusia. Illustrated from drawins by David Roberts. Con una portada y 20 láminas grabadas al acero y grabados en el texto.
Editeur: Robert Jennings Cº.,
Référence: 34154
13 .   The Tower of London. A historical romance. Illustrated by George Cruikshank.
AINSWORTH ,William Harrison.-

Prix: 400 €


Description: 4º. XVI-439pp. Con 40 láminas y numerosos grabados en el texto. London, Richard Bentley, 1840. Tela.

The Tower of London. A historical romance. Illustrated by George Cruikshank.
Editeur: Richard Bentley,
Référence: 10289
14 .   The traveller's companion for conversation being a collection of such expressions as occurmost frequently in travelling,and in the different situations of six languages:English,German,French,Italian,Spanish and Portuguese.
GENLIS ,Madam de.-

Prix: 150 €


Description: 8º. 459pp. Leipzig and London, J.H.Bothe, 1817. Media piel. Curioso y raro diccionario para turistas.

Editeur: J.H.Bothe,
Référence: 21575
15 .   The triumphs of Temper; a poem: in six cantos. The ninth edit. corrected.
HAYLEY, William.

Prix: 450 €


Description: 8º. XII-163pp. 7 bellas láminas grabadas al cobre. London, T. Cadell, 1796. Encuadernación inglesa en piel, con ligeras faltas en lomo y ángulos.

Editeur: T. Cadell,
Référence: 23017
16 .   The triunphs of Steam; or Stories from the lives of Watt, Arkwright,and Stephenson. By the authour of "Might not right, Our Eastern Empire..." With illustrations by John Gilbert.

Prix: 175 €


Description: 8º. VIII-263pp. Bellamente ilustrado con láminas. London, Griffith and Farran, 1859. Tela editorial impresa.

The triunphs of Steam; or Stories from the lives of Watt, Arkwright,and Stephenson. By the authour of
Editeur: Griffith and Farran,
Référence: 37324
17 .   The White Slave. Another picture of slave live in America. By... the one hundred and tenth thousand of the English edition.

Prix: 400 €


Description: 8º. 237pp. London, George Routledge and Co., 1853. Media piel. Importante reflexión teórica sobre la esclavitud en América.

The White Slave. Another picture of slave live in America. By... the one hundred and tenth thousand of the English edition.
Editeur: George Routledge and Co.,
Référence: 23281
18 .   The white world. Life and adventures within thr Artic circle portrayed by famous living explorers.Issued under the auspices of the Artic Club.
KERSTING ,Rudolf.-

Prix: 125 €


Description: 4º. 386pp. Ilustrado láminas y fotografías en el texto. New York, Lewis,Scribner & Co, 1902. Tela editorial estampada. La vida y aventuras en el Círculo Polar Ártico retratado por 22 exploradores famosos, compilado y arreglado para el Club de Círculo Polar Ártico por Kersting, Incluyendo un capítulo con la música de los esquimales polares del Dr. Roberto Stein.

The white world. Life and adventures within thr Artic circle portrayed by famous living explorers.Issued under the auspices of the Artic Club.
Editeur: Lewis,Scribner & Co,
Référence: 24495
19 .   The wine and food menu.
SIMON,André L.-

Prix: 40 €


Description: 4º. 377pp. London, Frederick Muller Ltd. 1956. Tela editorial.

Editeur: Frederick Muller Ltd.
Référence: 43326
20 .   The wold's greatest masterprice, constituting the Supreme Archievement, intellectually, spiritually and in craftsmanship, of all time. Simbolizing the noblest ideal ever conceived by the mind of man ,created by Marcos Coll (Sculptor - poet - philosopher).
CASANOVAS ,Joaquín.-

Prix: 25 €


Description: 4º apaisado. 32pp. Ilustrado. New York(Pero Baltimore), The Lord Baltimore Press, 1923. J. Marcos nasqué en el Barri de Sants de Barcelona.

The wold's greatest masterprice, constituting the Supreme Archievement, intellectually, spiritually and in craftsmanship, of all time. Simbolizing the noblest ideal ever conceived by the mind of man ,created by Marcos Coll (Sculptor - poet - philosopher).
Editeur: The Lord Baltimore Press,
Référence: 15276
21 .   The world's masters. Albrecht Dürer 1471-1528.
DURER ,Albrecht.-

Prix: 25 €


Description: 8º. XIpp. XXIV láminas. London, The Worlds Masters, 1928.

Editeur: The Worlds Masters,
Référence: 18820
22 .   The World's Masters. Pablo Picasso.

Prix: 20 €


Description: 8º. 1h.9pp.XXIV láminas. London & New York, The Studio, 1943. Reprinted.

Editeur: The Studio,
Référence: 44188
23 .   The Wreck.
TAGORE ,Rabindranath.-

Prix: 30 €


Description: 8º. 342pp. Leipzig, Berhard Tauchnitz, 1921.

Editeur: Berhard Tauchnitz,
Référence: 36599
24 .   The Year Book of Japanese Art 1929 - 1930.

Prix: 75 €


Description: 4º. XVI-176pp. Ilustrado con XCVIII láminas fotográficas. Tokyo, National Commitee on Intellectual Cooperation of the League of Nations Associaltion of Japan. 1930. Media tela.

Editeur: National Commitee on Intellectual Cooperation of the League of Nations Associaltion of Japan.
Référence: 39156
25 .   Théâtre Choisi. Nouvelle Édition précédée d'une Notice biographique par M. Victor Fournel et Illustrée de quatre gravures coloriées dessinées par M. Henri Allouard.

Prix: 50 €


Description: 8º. LII-367pp. Con 4 láminas iluminadas a mano. Paris, Laplace, Sánchez y Cie, 1882. Encuadernado en pasta española con tejuelo. Ejemplar con puntos de obscurecimiento por el paso del tiempo.

Théâtre Choisi. Nouvelle Édition précédée d'une Notice biographique par M. Victor Fournel et Illustrée de quatre gravures coloriées dessinées par M. Henri Allouard.
Editeur: Laplace, Sánchez y Cie,
Référence: 47813


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